A Sustainable Future Through Renewable & Clean Energy
Open For Investment
Fundserv Code: SKY2018

Skyline Clean Energy Fund

Class A

Invest in a portfolio of Canadian renewable infrastructure assets backed by long-term offtake contracts. This portfolio offers historically stable returns since inception.

Fund Stats1

As at January 1, 2025
$17.65 Unit Value
9.46% 1 Year Annualized Return

About the Fund

Skyline Clean Energy Fund (SCEF) generates revenue by producing clean, renewable power that is purchased by the provincial government and creditworthy corporations via long-term offtake contracts.

As a growth-oriented fund, SCEF’s cash flows are reinvested in the fund to further optimize clean energy production and generate further investment growth.

SCEF is a private investment and therefore is less subject to the pricing volatility of the public markets. SCEF investors have been enjoying stable returns since inception.

This investment is available to Accredited Investors and Eligible Investors.

SCEF generates revenue from:

  • Selling electricity generated through solar power via long-term government-backed contracts.
  • Generating biogas and renewable natural gas (RNG) and selling the power generated.
  • Tipping fees through receiving organic waste from municipalities and other waste producers.
  • Selling environmental attributes through provincial and federal programs (e.g. selling carbon offsets generated from diverting waste)

Download Fund Fact Sheet

Rob Stein Headshot

Message to Investors

If you are an eligible or accredited investor in Canada looking to invest in a clean energy fund with historically stable annualized returns, Skyline Clean Energy Fund (SCEF) may be a great fit for you. SCEF is a privately managed investment product focused on acquiring renewable and clean energy production assets. SCEF offers access to clean energy producing infrastructure that is backed by long-term offtake contracts, primarily held with the provincial government.

SCEF is a growth-oriented equity investment and its investors have been enjoying stable annualized returns since its inception. Here’s your opportunity to potentially grow your investment portfolio while helping Canada transition to clean, renewable energy.

Connect with a Skyline Wealth Management representative today to learn how Skyline Clean Energy Fund may be a great investment for your portfolio.

Rob Stein
President, Skyline Clean Energy Fund

Fund Stats1


Unit Value

Portfolio Stats2

$380 MM+

Assets under management (AUM) is the total market value of the investments that an entity manages on behalf of investors.
Approx. Total Assets Under Management




Megawatt of direct current energy (MW/DC) a unit measurement of the output of power.

Historical Performance3


1 Year
Annualized Return


3 Year
Annualized Return


5 Year
Annualized Return


(May 3, 2018)

Enviro Stats4

Skyline Clean Energy Fund's energy production is equivalent to powering:


Homes Electricity Use for One Year

18.16 MM

Litres of Gasoline Offset in One Year


Passenger Vehicles Powered for One Year

Investment Highlights

  • $50,000 Minimum Investment
  • Registered Account Eligible (RRSP, TFSA, RRIF, etc.)
  • Potential Tax Efficiency
  • No Redemption Fees5
  • i
    This investment is available to accredited investors and eligible investors.
    Available to Accredited Investors

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