About the Fund
Skyline Clean Energy Fund (SCEF) generates revenue by producing clean, renewable power that is purchased by the provincial government and creditworthy corporations via long-term offtake contracts.
As a growth-oriented fund, SCEF’s cash flows are reinvested in the fund to further optimize clean energy production and generate further investment growth.
SCEF is a private investment and therefore is less subject to the pricing volatility of the public markets. SCEF investors have been enjoying stable returns since inception.
This investment is available to Accredited Investors and Eligible Investors.
SCEF generates revenue from:
- Selling electricity generated through solar power via long-term government-backed contracts.
- Generating biogas and renewable natural gas (RNG) and selling the power generated.
- Tipping fees through receiving organic waste from municipalities and other waste producers.
- Selling environmental attributes through provincial and federal programs (e.g. selling carbon offsets generated from diverting waste)